Saturday, September 13, 2008

Keep on a ramblin'

Location: Grand Canyon Village, AZ

After leaving Bandalier Wilderness, I spent quite a bit of time in the Jemez (prounounced HIM-ez) Mountains. The fishing abounds here, probabling explaining why I spent so many days there. There are a lot of rivers and some beautiful mountain ranges. I caught quite a few rainbow trout and enjoyed them over the campfire. The town of Jimez Springs (population 500) would make an awesome base camp if you wanted to spend some time here. Hot springs abound, and there is even one that people bath in located in the center of the town. After a nice soak in San Antonio Springs, I headed for Arizona. I drove through Cuba, then south down to highway 40 crossings into Arizona. It was quite a drive, but I arrived in Grand Canyon Village today. Tomorrow I head out into the great wide open for a 5 day trek from Grandview Point to the South Kaibib trailhead. Here is a map if you want to check it out: (click on backcountry use area map)


amielee said...

Hope you got me a souvenier at Elephants Butt.

KendraDeanne said...

Elephants Butts....20 inch trout and fresh water at that and Jarod, tell us the truth was that home made ice-cream really your frozen tooth paste?!? haha....

Love you and be safe - Kendra

PS - can you bring me a bear claw? A real one! :)